Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Think about all of the people throughout your life who have helped shape your existence...given you advice, positive or negative that has led you to making a decision.  Now consider times in your life when you gave advice to someone and try to remember if that advice had any agenda behind it. Be honest with yourself, this is not an easy or comfortable exercise. Did you tell someone to do something or ignore someone because somehow you might gain from it, or you were jealous of this persons opportunity. In some way "guiding" someonelse's decision was a way for you to gain some kind of control within your own life.

If you answered yes or recognized a time you have shaped someone's actions with personal gain in mind, relate that to all of the times other people have "helped" you make a decision.  Although the idea that many of those around you  are providing biased advice, because there always the "good ones", sounds a bit gloomy, the intention here is positive.  The most important decision you can make is to follow the voice within.  To get very quiet and feel out that universal vibration of energy that exists within yourself, tying you to the universe and the higher powers.   True freedom is not just the ability to make your own decisions, rather it is the ability recognize the callings of your innate and the willingness to give yourself up humbly in total service to it. Freedom is not the act of "doing whatever you want", it's the process of removing yourself from your ego and physical's about doing whatever it takes for a cause greater than oneself, no matter how demanding or hard those steps may be.  Freedom is work! Work towards a Lasting Purpose! That is the key to life...

"Before enlightenment; chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment; chop wood, carry water"
-Zen Proverb